Aprende a zurcir con puntada duplicada y puntada tejida + Patrón gratuito

Learn to Darn with Duplicate Stitch and Woven Stitch + Free Pattern

Bring your knitwear and accessories back to life with this heart-shaped darning chart! Ideal for repairing holes or simply decorating non-defective knitwear. Use DMC Eco Vita thread and a darnin...
Cómo usar los planificadores Ohh Deer para organizar tus labores! - Nuevos modelos
bloc de notas

How to use Ohh Deer planners to organize your tasks! - New models

Whether you are someone who likes to write down only the important things or someone who likes to organize your day to the smallest detail, having a planner on hand while you embroider, knit, or d...
¿Qué tejer este otoño-invierno 2023? Ideas de prendas y lanas
patrones para tejer

What to knit this fall-winter 2023? Clothing and yarn ideas

What's better than knitting a garment with your own hands? Those who are dedicated to knitting and crochet know the satisfaction that comes with creating your own garments. In this post we are goi...
Cómo tejer un chal. Patrones gratuitos con instrucciones paso a paso
patrones para tejer

How to knit a shawl. Free patterns with step-by-step instructions

To knit a shawl you will have to familiarize yourself with some techniques such as casting on stitches, closing in the round, making a magic ring and finishing off.
¿Cómo tejer una bufanda de lana?

How to knit a wool scarf?

Knitting a scarf is very simple, although the difficulty of the task will always depend on the design you choose. A scarf is a good place to start if you intend to learn to knit, since you will ...
¿Qué hilo se usa para tejer calcetines?

What yarn is used to knit socks?

The wool you use to knit socks must be warm, but also resistant and withstand washing well. That is why normally a natural wool is mixed with a certain percentage of synthetic wool to provide resis...
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre lana y cachemira?

What is the difference between wool and cashmere?

Both terms refer to a type of wool. Sheep's wool is usually called simply "wool", since it is the most traditionally used and also today it is the most widespread wool and, let's say, "easy" to obt...
¿Tejer y bordar traen beneficios para la salud?

Do knitting and embroidery bring health benefits?

And it is that the work of knitting, crocheting and embroidery bring serious benefits for physical and mental health. They improve the ability to concentrate, reduce stress, improve hand-eye coordi...
¿Cuales son las mejores agendas?

What are the best diaries?

Choosing a planner can be overwhelming as there are so many brands, but they are not necessarily all that different from other brands. Perhaps that is why it can be difficult for you to find a goo...